Monday, June 22, 2015

What is a Prophet?

 By Julie (the Mom):
A prophet is God's mouthpiece on earth. Throughout most of the history of the world God has had a representative on earth to tell His children what He wants them to know.

There is a living prophet on the earth today, and his name is Thomas S. Monson. Even though we have scriptures that teach us truth, and the Holy Ghost can teach us individually, it is such a blessing to have a living prophet on the earth today, helping us know how to deal with today's challenges.

Following the prophet's counsel has blessed me so much. I'll share one little experience. Several years ago as I listened to President Monson speaking to the women of the church, he talked about our great role as women and the privilege of being wives and mothers. Then he said something that surprised me: he advised us to continue our educations, even as mothers, as much as possible. He said not only would it prepare us and qualify us if ever there were a time when we must become the providers for our families, but it would also help us to be better mothers as we increased our knowledge.

I've always loved learning and being a mother hadn't stopped me. But I'd been married 8 years and had a houseful of little children. I figured completing any formal education was something for the distant future when my nest was empty. But when the prophet spoke, I felt it was from God and I desired to obey. Only minutes before the idea of finishing my degree with 5 little children would have seemed impossible, but suddenly I had hope and the idea made sense.

My first efforts to follow the prophet's counsel didn't bring results: the university I had attended before I got married wouldn't let me finish my degree through them online. And if it hadn't been for the assurance I'd received I would certainly have given up the idea. But I forged on ahead, and through a series of tender mercies the way opened for not only me, but for my husband, to finish our degrees less than a year later-- and just in time-- only a  month before baby number six appeared.

By Grace, age 12:
A prophet is a seer and revelator, a leader, a servant of the Lord. He serves his people, too.

When I think of the word "prophet", I think about our prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. He is a kind man. He's loving, serving, unselfish, obedient, a leader, and much more. Some people ask why there aren't revelations any more. Well, there are.

Joseph Smith was the first latter-day prophet and he had many, many trials and he never gave up on the Lord or the people. Like Joseph Smith's many revelations, we can hear God speak to his prophets today and they speak to us and tell us what God wants.

I would like to be like our prophet.